CCS holds annual meeting & announces “Friends of CCS”

Community Counseling Services held its annual meeting, Thursday, September 26, 2013 in Huron.  Shawn Nills, CEO of Community Counseling Services reviewed the Accomplishments of 2013 and then presented the Goals for 2014.

 Nills also presented the 2013 Friends of CCS awards to Tim Walburg of Madison and Lori Whelander of Huron.


Tim Walburg is the Sheriff of Lake County and also owns and operates Tim’s Green Lawns of Madison.  He and his family take care of the lawn at CCS and do a wonderful job, while spending family time together.

 Tim used to be a deputy within Lake County and has recently become Sheriff.  Tim has always gone above and beyond to assist CCS providers with services at the jail,  Tim has worked with CCS staff to be innovative by utilizing a room in the courthouse that allows MH counselors to have access to the individuals that they serve in a less restrictive environment.  This innovation supports a recovery process for those individuals while also supporting the values of CCS.

  Lori Wehlander works in the Special Education department at Huron High School.  Mrs. Wehlander is always diligent about making accommodations for students with special needs.  She is continuously patient and understanding of student’s mental health needs.   Mrs. Wehlander repeatedly use a calm manner with student’s needs.  This includes times of repletion, which is often necessary with students with mental health needs.  Mrs. Wehlander is an advocate for students with mental health needs and she works closely with others to ensure that appropriate accommodations are made for students with mental health needs.

Tim Walburg of Madison & Lori Wahlander of Huron

Tim Walburg of Madison & Lori Wahlander of Huron

 The CCS board also elected the following slate of officers and new & renewing members for the upcoming year:

President:  Dale Schneider, Huron
Vice President:  Jean Larson, Huron
Secretary/Treasurer:  Dan Bohl, Madison
Directors:  Stephanie Glanzer, Huron; Dale Schneider, Huron.

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